Percussion Ensemble


The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop basic performance skills on a selected instrument in a solo or small ensemble setting using varied band literature.

This year-long, entry-level class, designed for students having little or no previous band experience with percussion instruments, promotes the enjoyment and appreciation of music through performance of high-quality, beginning percussion literature from different times and places. Rehearsals focus on the development of critical listening/aural skills; rudimentary instrumental technique and skills, music literacy, and ensemble skills; and aesthetic musical awareness culminating in periodic public performances.

1.      Essential Elements for Band, Book I, Percussion/Mallet (YELLOW TOP) AND
2.  Vic Firth Fresh Approach Starter Pack (includes SD1 sticks, Practice Pad )

Both method books, practice pad, sticks can be purchased from Amazon or through Cadence Music in Ft Myers.
 Mr. Milner will provide other supplementary materials for learning on an as needed basis.
Money should never be an issue of student participation in band class or not. If there is an issue of affordability or you would like to donate to help some other student, please contact Mr. Milner. The music department does regular fundraising activities to help offset some of the expenses of running a music program. However, if a student has an instrument provided by the school, they are highly encouraged to participate in fundraising activities to help pay for repairs, supplies and supplementary materials that are purchased from the band account, which exists solely from fundraising/donation activities, to fix instruments, purchase reeds, valve oil, neck straps, cleaning supplies, music, shirts, pay for trips, parts for instruments (mouthpieces, ligatures), food or anything else that the music director deems necessary for the program.

 If an instrument is provided by Cadence and parents/guardians sign a contract with Cadence making regular monthly payments , THAT IS NOT A SCHOOL INSTRUMENT, and it is a rent to own instrument which the student keeps. The repairs are sometimes baked into the monthly payment.

50% Individual                           
-          35% Ranks and Class Work (Individual Playing/Written Work)
-          15% Practice Log
50%  Ensemble
-          35% Performances (2 Performances for Year)
-          15% Participation in Daily Classes/General Attitude   

Extra credit(worth 15%):
  Performances in groups outside of Gulf Middle School
-Attend other performances at Gulf performance and/or one off-campus performance (concert program from the event is required)
- private lessons (report from teacher required)

Band is a place where students learn music, self-discipline, work ethic, teamwork and  have fun. The teacher/director understands that there might be days where a student may not be feeling great or they just had a difficult day but it is not the norm. The teacher will judge the situation on a case by case basis.

 The rules are as follows: (any of the following will be a dolphin card)
Respect is a two-way door. The best way to earn respect is to give it first.
When the teacher is working, students are expected to be quiet, respectful and pay attention to what is being taught.
When the teacher gives a cut off to stop playing, all students are expected to stop playing and listen to instructions/teaching moments that follow the stop. Students can ask questions after stopping regarding music only.
Unprepared for Class (Forgot Instrument or Book at home after the grace period)
All school wide rules and policies set forth in the school handbook.

Scales: 1st 5 notes of the Bb major scale. (Bb Concert – F concert) in Half Notes at 100 bpm.
Count and Play the following exercises from: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book):
Lesson 1- #5,6,9 at 88 bpm  (1st time count, 2nd time play) with a metronome


Play the following Exercises from Essential Elements, Book 1:

#14 (Rolling Along)


☐ #18 (Go Tell Aunt Rhodie)


☐ #31 (Mozart Melody)


☐ #45 (William Tell)


☐ #48 (High School Cadets)


☐ #58 (Hard Rock Blues)



☐ Scales: Bb Chromatic Scale (Pg 46) in half notes MM = 84


☐ Count and Play the following exercises from: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book):

Lesson 3 - #4,6,7at MM = 84 (1st time count, 2nd time play with metronome)


☐ Score a 100% on the Rank 2 Vocabulary Test.


Play the following Exercises from Essential Elements, Book 1: 72 bpm

☐ #62 (Camptown Races)


☐ #75 (Basic Blues)


☐ #78 (Up On A Housetop)


☐ #88 (Technique Trax)


☐ #91 (Banana Boat Song)


☐ #94 (Ezekiel Saw the Wheel)




☐ Scales: Bb Major Scale (Pg. 40 - #1 Key of Bb) at MM= 100


☐ Count and Play the following exercises from: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book):

Lesson 4 - #6,7,9 at MM = 100 (1st time count, 2nd time play with metronome)


☐ Take the Rank 3 Vocabulary Test. You may miss two words to pass.



Play the following Exercises from Essential Elements, Book 1: 84 bpm

☐ #90 (Variations on a Familiar Theme) Theme and Variation 1 Only


☐ #97 (Trombone Rag)


☐ #100 (The Cold Wind)


☐ #106 (March Militaire)


☐ #107B (Bottom Bass Boogie) Only Part B


☐ #114 (Scarborough Fair)



(Start of 7th grade year)


☐ Scales: Bb Chromatic Scale (Pg 46) in quarters, one octave. MM = 100

☐ Count and Play the following exercises from: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book):

Lesson 5 - #8,9,10 at MM = 84  (1st time count, 2nd time play)


☐ Take the Rank 4 Vocabulary Test. You may miss three words to pass.



Play the following from the Website : 100 bpm

☐ Concert Bb Major Scale in quarter notes, one octave


☐ Concert Bb Major Arpeggios (I, IV, V) in quarter notes.


☐ Concert Eb Major Scale in quarter notes, one octave


☐ Concert Eb Major Arpeggios (I, IV, V) in quarter notes


☐ Concert Ab Major Scale in quarter notes, one octave


☐ Concert Ab Major Arpeggios (I,IV,V) in quarter notes





☐ Scales: Key of F major,  1 octave at 100 bpm.


☐ Count and Play the following exercises: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book):

Lesson #7- #8-9   MM = 100  (1st time count, 2nd time play)


☐ Take the Rank 5 Vocabulary Test. You may miss three words to pass.



Play the following Exercises from Foundations for Superior Performance : 100 bpm


☐ Pg 10 – Scale Pattern #1 in Bb Major – Articulation Pattern #4


☐ Pg 11 – Scale Pattern # 2 in Bb Major - Articulation Pattern #3


☐ Pg 11 – Scale in 3rds - Articulation Pattern #7


☐ Pg 11 – Interval Study in Bb Major


☐ Pg 11 – Triads of the Bb Major Scale


☐ Pg 11 – Chord Study #1 in Bb major



☐ Scales: G minor (Bb Major Relative) Natural. In 8th notes at 100 bpm.


☐ Count and Play the following exercises: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book):

Lesson #8- #6,7  MM = 100  (1st time count, 2nd time play)


☐ Take the Rank 6 Vocabulary Test. You may miss three words to pass



Play the following Exercises from Foundations for Superior Performance : 100 bpm


☐ Pg 12 – Scale Pattern #1 in F Major – Articulation Pattern #1


☐ Pg 13 – Scale Pattern # 2 in F Major - Articulation Pattern #2


☐ Pg 13 – F Major Scale in 3rds - Articulation Pattern #5


☐ Pg 13 – Interval Study in F Major


☐ Pg 13 – Triads of the F Major Scale


☐ Pg 13 – Chord Study #1 in F major – Articulation Pattern # 6




☐ Scales: C minor( Eb relative) one octave in 8th notes, Harmonic, at 100 bpm.


☐ Count and Play the following exercises: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book):

Lesson #9- #8,9  MM = 100 (1st time count, 2nd time play)


☐ Take the Rank 7 Vocabulary Test. You may miss three words to pass



Play the following Exercises from Foundations for Superior Performance : 100 bpm


☐ Pg 28 – Scale Pattern #1 in Eb Major – Articulation Pattern – all tongued


☐ Pg 29 – Scale Pattern # 2 in Eb Major - Articulation Pattern #8


☐ Pg 29 – Eb Major Scale in 3rds - Articulation Pattern #1


☐ Pg 29 – Interval Study in Eb Major


☐ Pg 29 – Triads of the Eb Major Scale


☐ Pg 29 – Chord Study #1 in Eb major – Articulation Pattern # 1 – top line



(Start of 8th grade year)

     ☐ Scales: Ab major scale 2 octaves in Foundations for Superior Performance pg. 26 at 120 bpm. (bottom line)


☐ Count and Play the following exercises: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book):

Lesson #10- #12,14 MM = 100 . (1st time count, 2nd time play)


☐ Take the Rank 8 Vocabulary Test. You may miss three words to pass



Play the following Exercises from Foundations for Superior Performance : 120 bpm


☐ Pg 26– Scale Pattern #1 in Ab Major – Articulation Pattern #2


☐ Pg 27 – Scale Pattern # 2 in Ab Major - Articulation Pattern #3


☐ Pg 27 – Ab Major Scale in 3rds - Articulation Pattern #4


☐ Pg 27 – Interval Study in Ab Major


☐ Pg 27 – Triads of the Ab Major Scale


☐ Pg 27 – Chord Study #2  in Ab major – Articulation Pattern # 2



☐ Scales: C major scale 2 octaves in Foundations for Superior Performance pg. 14 at 120 bpm. (bottom line)


☐ Count and Play the following exercises: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book):

Lesson #10- #12,14 MM = 100 . (1st time count, 2nd time play)



Play the following Exercises from Foundations for Superior Performance : 120 bpm


☐ Pg 26– Scale Pattern #1 in C Major – Articulation Pattern #6


☐ Pg 27 – Scale Pattern # 2 in C Major - Articulation Pattern #7


☐ Pg 27 – C Major Scale in 3rds - Articulation Pattern #8


☐ Pg 27 – Interval Study in C Major


☐ Pg 27 – Triads of the C Major Scale


☐ Pg 27 – Chord Study #2  in C major – Articulation Pattern all tongued.


WINDS -PASSOFF – 8th grade

☐ Scales: Bb Major and Bb Chromatic Scale 2 octave at 120 bpm(1/2 credit each scale) (brass 1 octave)

☐ Scales: G minor 2 octave at 120 bpm

☐ Scales: Eb Major 2 octave at 120 bpm  (brass 1 octave)

☐ Scales: C minor 2 octave at 120 bpm (brass-saxophone 1 octave)

☐ Scales: F Major 2 octave at 120 bpm (brass 1 octave)

☐ Scales: D minor 2 octave at 120 bpm (brass 1 octave)

☐ Arpeggios: Bb major 1 octave at 100 bpm (I-IV-V-I)

☐ Arpeggios: Eb major 1 octave at 100 bpm (I-IV-V-I)

☐ Rhythm: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book): Lesson #10- #10,15 MM = 100


☐ Scales: 5 notes of the Bb major scale. (Bb Concert – F concert) in Half Notes at 100 bpm.

Snare Drum

☐ Count and Play the following exercises from: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book):

Lesson 1- #5,6,9 at 88 bpm  (1st time count, 2nd time play) with a metronome



Play the following Exercises from Essential Elements, Book 1:


☐ #14 (Rolling Along)


☐  #18 (Go Tell Aunt Rhodie)


☐ #31 (Mozart Melody)


Snare Drum


☐ #38 (Jingle Bells)


☐ #45  (William Tell)


☐ #48 (High School Cadets)


☐ #58 (Hard Rock Blues)



☐ Scales: Bb Chromatic Scale (Pg 46) in quarter notes, Bb Major Scale (Pg. 40 - #1 Key of Bb) MM = 84.

Snare Drum

☐ Count and Play the following exercises from: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book):

Lesson 3 - #4,6,7at MM = 84 (1st time count, 2nd time play with metronome)


☐ Score a 100% on the Rank 2 Vocabulary Test.


Play the following Exercises from Essential Elements, Book 1: 72 bpm


☐ #62 (Camptown Races)


☐ #74 (Cossack Dance)


☐ #75 (Basic Blues)


Snare Drum

☐ #88 (Technique Trax)


☐ #91 (Banana Boat Song)


☐ #94 (Ezekiel Saw the Wheel



☐ Scales: Bb Major Scale (Pg. 40 - #1 Key of Bb) at MM= 100


Snare Drum


☐ Count and Play the following exercises from: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book):

Lesson 4 - #6,7,9 at MM = 100 (1st time count, 2nd time play with metronome)


☐ Take the Rank 3 Vocabulary Test. You may miss two words to pass.



Play the following Exercises from Essential Elements, Book 1: 84 bpm


☐ #90 (Variations on a Familiar Theme) Theme and Variation 1 Only


☐ #97 (Trombone Rag)


Snare Drum

☐ #100 (The Cold Wind)


☐ #106 (March Militaire)


☐ #107B (Bottom Bass Boogie)


☐ #114 (Scarborough Fair) 

(Start of 7th grade year)


☐ Scales: Bb Chromatic Scale (Pg 46) in quarters, one octave. MM = 100

Snare Drum

☐ Count and Play the following exercises from: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book):

Lesson 5 - #8,9,10 at MM = 84  (1st time count, 2nd time play)


☐ Take the Rank 4 Vocabulary Test. You may miss three words to pass.


Play the following from the Website : 100 bpm

☐ Concert Bb Major Scale in quarter notes, one octave


☐ Demonstrate the following Rolls: 5 stroke, 9 stroke


☐ Concert Eb Major Scale in quarter notes, one octave


☐ Demonstrate the following Flam: Flam, Flam Tap


☐ Concert Ab Major Scale in quarter notes, one octave


☐ Demonstrate the following Diddles: Diddle, Paradiddle.


☐ Scales: Key of F major,  1 octave at 100 bpm.

Snare Drum

☐ Count and Play the following exercises: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book):

Lesson #7- #8-9   MM = 100  (1st time count, 2nd time play)


☐ Take the Rank 5 Vocabulary Test. You may miss three words to pass.


Play the following Exercises from Foundations for Superior Performance : 100 bpm

Mallets and Snare



☐ Pg 10 – Scale Pattern #1 in Bb Major on Mallets


☐ Pg 11 – Scale Pattern # 2 in Bb Major on Mallets


☐ Pg 11 – Triads of the Bb Major Scale on Mallets


☐ Pg 65 – Exercise 1 on Snare-Accent


☐ Pg 66-  Exercise 1 on Snare-Flam


☐ Pg 67- Exercise 1 on Snare-Drags 


☐ Scales: G minor (Bb Major Relative) Natural. In 8th notes at 100 bpm.

Snare Drum

☐ Count and Play the following exercises: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book):

Lesson #8- #6,7  MM = 100  (1st time count, 2nd time play)


☐ Take the Rank 6 Vocabulary Test. You may miss three words to pass



Play the following Exercises from Foundations for Superior Performance : 100 bpm


☐ Pg 12 – Scale Pattern #1 in F Major on Mallets


☐ Pg 13 – Scale Pattern # 2 in F Major on Mallets


☐ Pg 13 – Triads of the F Major Scale on Mallets


☐ Pg 65 –Exercise 2 on Snare-Accent


☐ Pg 66- Exercise 2 on Snare-Flam


☐ Pg 67- Exercise 2 on Snare-Drags


☐ Scales: C minor( Eb relative) one octave in 8th notes, Harmonic, at 100 bpm.

Snare Drum

☐ Count and Play the following exercises: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book):

Lesson #9- #8,9  MM = 100 (1st time count, 2nd time play)


☐ Take the Rank 7 Vocabulary Test. You may miss three words to pass



Play the following Exercises from Foundations for Superior Performance : 100 bpm


☐ Pg 28 – Scale Pattern #1 in Eb Major on Mallets


☐ Pg 29 – Scale Pattern # 2 in Eb Major on Mallets


☐ Pg 29 – Triads of the Eb Major Scale on Mallets


☐ Pg 65 –Exercise 3 on Snare-Accent


☐ Pg 66- Exercise 3 on Snare-Flam


☐ Pg 67- Exercise 3 on Snare-Drags



(start of 8th Grade Year)


☐ Scales: Ab major scale 2 octaves in Foundations for Superior Performance pg. 26 at 120 bpm. (bottom line)

Snare Drum

☐ Count and Play the following exercises: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book):

Lesson #10- #12,14 MM = 100 . (1st time count, 2nd time play)


☐ Take the Rank 8 Vocabulary Test. You may miss three words to pass



Play the following Exercises from Foundations for Superior Performance : 120 bpm


☐ Pg 26– Scale Pattern #1 in Ab Major on Mallets


☐ Pg 27 – Scale Pattern # 2 in Ab Major on Mallets


☐ Pg 27 – Triads of the Ab Major Scale on Mallets


☐ Pg 65 –Exercise 4 on Snare-Accent


☐ Pg 66- Exercise 4 on Snare-Flam


☐ Pg 67- Exercise 4 on Snare-Drags



☐ Scales: C major scale 2 octaves in Foundations for Superior Performance pg. 14 at 120 bpm. (bottom line)

Snare Drum

☐ Count and Play the following exercises: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book):

Lesson #10- #12,14 MM = 100 . (1st time count, 2nd time play)



Play the following Exercises from Foundations for Superior Performance : 120 bpm


☐ Pg 64- Exercise 3 on Snare


☐ Pg 64 – Exercise 4 on Snare


☐ Pg 68 – Exercise 1 on Snare


☐ Pg 27 – C Major Scale in 3rds on Mallets


☐ Pg 27 – Interval Study in C Major on Mallets


☐ Pg 27 – Triads of the C Major Scale on Mallets






☐ Scales: Bb Major 2 octave at 120 bpm

☐ Scales: Eb Major 2 octave at 120 bpm

☐ Scales: F Major 2 octave at 120 bpm

☐ Arpeggios: Bb major 1 octave at 100 bpm (I-IV-V-I)

☐ Arpeggios: Eb major 1 octave at 100 bpm (I-IV-V-I)

☐ Arpeggios: F major 1 octave at 100 bpm (I-IV-V-I)

☐ Rhythm: Rhythms & Beyond (R&B book): Lesson #10- #10,15 MM = 100

☐ Rudiment: Demonstrate the following rudiment: 17 stroke roll

☐ Rudiment: Demonstrate the following rudiment: Paradiddle
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