Before and After School Program

Gulf Middle School

Before/After Care Program 

Director: Dori Schierman: [email protected] – 239-549-0606

 Program Goal: To provide our GMS students with a safe and structured environment, while meeting the needs of our working parents.


HOURS: BEFORE SCHOOL: 7:00am – 9:15am  /  AFTER SCHOOL: 4:00pm-6:00pm





ENROLLMENT: You must fill out the annual registration and pay the annual registration fee before your child can attend our program.

PAYMENT PROCEDURES: Payment is due prior to program participation. The Florida Constitution Article VII prohibits the School District of Lee County to extend credit to any individual. Payment must be made BEFORE the program is utilized. There will be no exceptions. If there are not sufficient funds available in your student’s account, they may not attend the program. Please plan ahead and keep funds in your student’s account. The program accepts cash, check (made payable to Gulf Middle School with your student’s name on the memo line) and credit card/debit card. Any returned checks will need to be collected by our bookkeeper and all future payments will need to be on a “cash only” basis. When paying cash, please be sure to bring exact change. We will not be able to provide change for a cash payment. Student’s will not be allowed to attend the program with an unpaid balance. If your account becomes past due, you will be called to pick up your student(s) and he/she will not be permitted to attend. Your student’s program balance must be paid in full so that he/she may attend/participate in any extended day activities (including but nit limited to clubs, dances, trips, and tutoring) Any unpaid balances are subject to collections and will be added to your student’s fines and fees on their permanent record. Payments can be made in the front office or by phone only during before and after school hours.

OTHER CHARGES: The program closes at 6:00pm. If your child is picked up after 6:00pm you will be charged $1.00 per student for every minute after 6:00pm. Any student(s) who are repeatedly picked up late will be subject to the District’s Revocation Policy.

DAYS OF OPERATION: The GMS Before and After Care Program is available when school is in full session. There is NO program when students are out of school for Teacher Duty Days, In-Service Days, and District Observed Holidays including Winter and Spring break. Early dismissal days will have Before Care but there will be NO After Care on those days. Before and After School Program schedules are subject to change. If a change occurs there will be notification of this change.

DROP OFF/PICK UP PROCEDURES: Students must sign in with the Before and After care worker in the front office. Parents/Guardians must ring the front door bell for pick- up service. Please provide photo ID when picking up your student. Only persons on the emergency list will be permitted to pick up your student. * All persons picking up your student must provide photo ID.

EMERGENCY PICK UP EXCEPTION: If the person picking up your student is not on the emergency pick up list, you will be required to email the director, [email protected] with written permission to have that person pick up your student. Included in this email, should be the name of the person picking up your student, a copy of your photo ID and your signature. The designated person needs to bring photo ID in order for us to release your student to that person.

DISCIPLINE POLICY: This program will adhere to a “3 strike” policy. 1st strike- the student will receive a verbal warning and the parent will be contacted. 2nd strike – the student will receive a written warning and the parent will be contacted. 3rd strike – the student will have their enrollment in the program revoked. Strikes will be given for not following the rules, insubordination, disrespect, verbally abusing a counselor or another student…etc. Fighting will not be tolerated and will result in your student’s enrollment being revoked immediately. Parents/Guardians will be notified to pick up their student as soon as possible if any behavioral issues occur. Any strikes given resulting in disciplinary actions will be fully investigated and these actions will be at the discretion of the Before and After school program and the Principal. * PLEASE SEE THE BEHAVIORIAL CONTRACT*

REVOCATION PROCEDURES: In accordance with the Lee County’s District Policy for Fee Based Programs the Principal of the school or the Director of the program have the authority to revoke the enrollment of a student in a fee based program if the following occurs:

  • If a behavior becomes problematic and reoccurring as defined in the program’s discipline policy.
  • Non-payment of regular payments and any late fees.
  • If the student is repeatedly picked up late in the evening.

LETTERS NEEDED: At least 72 hour notification will be required for any type of documentation needed for court hearings or any other situations.

MEDICATIONS: Any medication that your student needs to take during the Before and After school program hours must be registered with the program Director and the school clinic.

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