*** All Clubs and Organizations are subject to change***
Art Club - Open Studio time. The club allows students to become more creative in different areas of art.
Sponsor: Dawn Schiro [email protected]
Authors and Artists- is a creative club for students. The purpose of this club is to create a safe environment for everyone to express themselves through writing and art.
Sponsor: Robert Ford [email protected]
Builder’s Club - The Builder’s Club is a Kiwanis sponsored organization that provides service to our community.
Sponsor: Jordan Moore [email protected]
Drama Club - The Drama Club stages several plays during the course of the school year. Students can act, sing, dance as well as learn about set design, stage management and direction, and various other backstage operations.
Sponsor: Julie Salamon [email protected]
Math Club - The Math Club meets once a week beginning in September through April. Both sixth and seventh graders will compete in two Saturday events. Algebra students will be involved in at least three competitions.
Sponsor: Deneb Reyes [email protected]
National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) - The National Junior Honor Society has been established to recognize academic achievement and encourages service hours for the school community. The five qualities of scholarship, service, leadership, character and citizenship are required for induction.
Sponsor: Krystal Burtanger [email protected]
SADD Club - SADD stands for Students Against Destructive Decisions. These students meet to educate the school on poor choices that can be made during your middle and high school years. This organization is dedicated to preventing destructive decisions, particularly underage drinking, other drug use, risky and impaired driving, teen violence and teen suicide.
Sponsor: Jennifer Phares [email protected]
SAVE Promise Club - SAVE (Students Against Violence Everywhere) Promise Clubs provide a space for young people to show their leadership, creativity, and passion for protecting peers, schools, and communities from violence. SAVE Promise Clubs are student-led and, therefore, a powerful and empowering approach to violence prevention. SAVE Promise Club creates a culture of upstanders who look out for one another-creating safer classrooms, schools and communities.
Sponsor: Jordan Moore [email protected]
Team Sports/Intramurals:
August- October: Basketball & Cross Country
October –December: Volleyball
January-March: Soccer
March –May: Track & Field, Golf and Tennis
**Athletic eligibility is dependent upon a 2.0 GPA, disciplinary status/contract, and a submitted athletic eligibility forms & physical.